This feeder is great for bringing birds up close!  Use with Black Oil Sunflower or Safflower seed.  No-Mess blend is ideal for this feeder because it won't clog the ports and it won't sprout and build up right below the window. 

When mounting the feeder, install the suction cups, clean the window that it will stick on and let it dry.  Then, use a tiny drop of vegetable oil or grease from your face ;) to rub on all the suction cups.  Oils don't evaporate the way water does so it works better to keep the feeder on the window.

WBU Window Feeder :                        #1101

These nectar feeders come with an optional ant moat to keep filled with tap water and resist ants from the nectar.  Remove the ant moat for a cleaner look.

WBU Jewell Box 8oz. :                            #3338

WBU Mini Window 4oz. :                       #W10304

*Prices and inventory may change. Please call 417-882-8801 to order.*