Live Mealworms need a feeder that is smooth on the inside so that the mealworms can't crawl out when they wake up and start moving. 

Item numbers :

Single Cup Hanging Feeder Blue :               #3540

Glass Dish Feeder Hanging :                      #4693

Bluebird Feeder Cedar :                             #12160

APS Mealworm Feeder :                             #2214

Mealworms Dried 20 oz. :                            #W10679

Universal Mealworm Dish :                            #W10877

Universal Dish EZ Bracket :     #W10882

Glass Dish Sphere Feeder :                         #7213

Cobalt Sphere Hanging Feeder :                #606469037078

Glass Dish Feeder Garden Stake :            #6318

*Prices and inventory may change.  Please call 417-882-8801 to order.*